Monday, October 5, 2009

Painted Tau, return of the revenge!

I finished painting my Tau. There's only one thing left to do:

Fashion Show, after the jump.

This stack of books and games served as the runway.

Here's Action Tau, decked out in red accents.
I created these by painting a wash of red ink over the areas I wanted to be red, then went over it with a brighter Blood Red to illustrate the highlights.

Next up Dashing Tau is demonstrating the all Bronze accent pattern. I cannot decide which I like better, red or bronze.

Dynamic Tau combines both colors, but I don't think I like it as much as I do just one color.

Action Tau is always ready, even during fashion shows.

I really liked the way that Dashing Tau's helmet turned out. The lining around the eyepiece is my favorite.

I spent way too much time painting butts these last few days. Oh, and backpacks.

The shoulder pad emblem turned out nicely as well.

Did you really scroll down all this way? Well what fashion show is complete without a behind the scenes look at the photographer. And what photographer is complete without a fancy beret? So here we go!


  1. those look great!

    Pictures are much better too :)

  2. Hooray! I'm glad they turned out. I borrowed my sister's camera, which you see in the last shot. It is better than mine. :D

    Next up, Vehicles and Crisis Suits.
